Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Storyteller's Challenge - Summary (2)

The second Storyteller's Challenge is done. I won it... kinda. I'm not too satisfied of the results. Let's summarize it, shall we?

- Day 1 - Adventures in the forest
Did I like this? Yes, very much! In fact, I think this is one of the best, if not THE best story I've written. It was fun writing from a child's perspective again, and the overall theme of supernatural meeting real world stuck throughout the Challenge.
What did I learn from this? Always trust your characters, they know better. I also learned that the nexst time my cousins want to play with me, I shouldn't sit down and think I'd be ridiculous.

- Day 2 - Don't feed the trolls
Did I like this? Kinda. I could have done it much better, in my opinion. The idea deserved much more than what I gave it.
What did I learn from this? That I have a loooong way to go before I'm able to write things that make me chuckle.

- Day 3 - Memories of a revenge
Did I like this? Yesssss! Fun to write, and for the first time ever I wrote of a dream. My dreams usually are like... epic fantasy bordering on bizzarro fiction, but this one was more of a creepy short story that I've toned down a little.
What did I learn from this? Uhm... how to tell old legends?

- Day 4 - Crazy
Did I like this? This? This is the story where my lack of motivation for this Challenge became evident. But I think it turned out cool. I like what I've done with it, so I'll give it a pass.
What did I learn from this? Even if you lack inspiration, a story can be good.

- Day 5 - The house in Europa Street
Did I like this? Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes! It was too fun to write, and I'm really satisfied with how it turned out. The greatest thing was imagining the ridiculous scenes going on in my head whereas all I wrote was dialogue.

- Day 6 - Procrastination
Did I like this? Uhm... I think I'll just skip this one. Let's just say that the best part was the Author's Note and leave it there.
What did I learn from this? Procrastination is bad. REALLY bad. But I'll still procrastinate. Because yes.

- Day 7 - U.S.S. Kittyprise
Did I like this? ...No. The idea was nice, the final result acceptable, but still, I did not like this. I wrote just because I felt forced to.

So, overall, this Challenge didn't go as well as expected. I have a good amount of stories I like, but I expected to have fun. Which I had, but I expected to have MORE fun and not regard this as an amusing duty.

Others writers who took part in the Challenge and deserve your applause:

- Denise Pena at mydesireforwriting.wordpress.com
- Lindsey McIntosh at http://youngwritersattempt.blogspot.com
- Stanley Morris, who wrote his stories on Google Docs. Links can be found here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109240821422269206943/posts/R5x3t8iewiA

That's all, folks. Bye!

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