Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Plotting, AKA writing random stuff and hoping a story is born

Sometimes I have a story idea that consists of nothing more than an image, a title, or even worse a feeling. While I love coming up with plots, the procedure is... messy. I just write down everything that comes to mind in a sort of brainstorming session. So, as I shared my first draft, I thought I might as well share this, too.

Don't feed the dragon, err, the trolls.  - sometimes writing anything that comes to mind goes badly when you actually forget to think. 

Our hero is a proud warrior - too proud. - This part is much less evident in the final version of the story. 

His ally the POV. Hopeless young boy stuck with the mighty warrior.

HUMOR ALL THE WAY!! Or a pathetic attempt at it... 

They get under a bridge, in a classical troll setting. - And this one got deleted in the final version. Mostly because I was too lazy. 

Our hero wants to feed the trolls? Nah. It's a senseless sign out up there.

Mighty weapon. You know, mighty weapons usually get monsters a little annoyed.

Pity I can't write humor tales the same way I write these things. - I did say everything that comes to mind, didn't I?

Okay, I should just get on with writing. - And sometimes I need a sound yelling from myself. 

So, back to plotting. Our hero is travelling through a forest to get to his next destination. Ally POV. And maybe a third character? Nah. Actually, yes. Small pixie. Boy or girl? Girl.

Use adverbs.

Intentionally bad writing? Maybe not too much.

Get back to plotting, girl!

So, they pass under a bridge, after seeing a sign of don't feed the trolls. The ally doesn't like it, not one bit.

The trolls appear, mighty weapon, pixie and ally run. Hero got eaten.

You know what, I'm done with this story. - This was my own thought, but it ended up also being the ally's last line. Heh. 

So that's how my stories are born. Yeah... I'll go now. 

Next up, today's story!! I think I'm done with these backstage sort of posts. 

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